It takes a Londoner to realise how little fellow Londoners know about London as a pet friendly City. In some greener areas of the Capital, the numbers of dogs being walked are on par with children going to school in the mornings!
On the way to a pet friendly meeting with my basset/ beagle, otherwise known as a Baglehound, I was approached by 2 people, one on the train into Waterloo and then one on the underground on our way to Bank.
The first person was pleasantly surprised to see a dog on the train and I have to say Biscuit was well behaved. We talked about what you can do with your dogs in the Capital. She then got off at Clapham Junction smiling about the news. As she pointed out her Chiwawa’s are her children.
The second person approached us on the underground. She really wanted to get a dog and was so happy to see that they could travel with you. The only obstacle was that her company were moving office and she hoped it would be dog friendly. I gave her the details of and so she could see where you could go in London with your dog. The social life of a dog here in London is huge, with something going on every week.
Basically, in the space of 30 minutes, I had changed the views of 2 fellow Londoners. They both walked off along the platforms knowing how their lives will and could change for the better. That is what having a pet or indeed taking a dog for a walk does to you living in London. You don’t have to have children or join a club to meet people. Pets are many people’s children and walking on the common or in a park is the equivalent to dropping off or picking up at the school gates. You see the same faces and end up talking, it is always the way as the is a common bond, namely your dog.
Even today amongst the many suits around The City, people were smiling at Biscuit, the Baglehound, a breath of fresh air to office life! She lapped it up by raising her head, wagging her tail and sniffing all the lunch smells in the air. That is why more pet friendly offices and properties are climbing employers’ agendas. Content employees are far more productive. Having a pet makes people happy and during uncertain and pressured times, that is what we all need.
Don’t let challenges such as transport, office life or renting somewhere with your pet put you off having one. These are obstacles of London life that are rapidly changing for the better.
We help people find pet friendly properties in London as well as advise Landlords thinking about opening their doors to a growing market. Our email is or follow us on Instagram @petslets
Russell Hunt is Founder of Pets Lets who has also advised clients on buying, selling and letting London properties for over 20 years.