Pets Property and Children

A pet clause needs to be included in a tenancy agreement in any pet-friendly rental. See this example below:

  • “It is further agreed between the Landlord and tenant that the Landlord grants permission for the Tenant to keep a pet(s) (insert animal type(s) and breed(s)) named (insert animal(s) name(s) (“The Pet”) in The Property for the duration of the tenancy. The Tenant agrees not to keep or permit to be kept on the Property any further pets or animals of any description without the previous consent in writing of the Landlord.”

It may also make sense to include a clause related to any damage caused by a pet and the deep cleaning of the property at the end of the tenancy:

  • “The Tenant hereby undertakes and agreed to remedy and pay for any damage caused to The Property and/ or contents of The Property which shall have been caused by The Pet residing in The Property. For the avoidance of doubt any such damage shall not be deemed to be fair wear and tear.”
    “The Tenant agrees to pay for the professional cleaning of the property at the end of the Tenancy including the cleaning of all carpets and treating the property for fleas and mites.”

The Dogs Trust has an informative website where there is generic information about renting in London as well the UK with a dog or cat

At Pets Lets we have a wealth of experience from relocating clients to London from around the world with their cats and dogs.

Please feel free to email us on or visit

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